Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Week 13

Niyor visited a Buddhist temple this week...he enjoyed the stroller ride thoroughly

Niyor got his first haircut this week.His hair had grown quite long and the summer heat made him sweat a mommy snipped his long locks! And did quite a shoddy job! His hair now looks sad.... poor kid......hopefully it'll grow back soon!

Niyor smiles a lot these days....he also giggles sometimes....I've been trying to capture Niyor smiling on film but every time I try Niyor realizes that something is up and stops smiling/laughing, he freezes with these expressions instead!

Niyor rolled over front to back for the very first time on his own on 24th June...he startled himself by doing it and started crying! Ever since then he's been rolling over front to back with joy!

Week 12

Niyor can now hold onto objects with a firm grip!

Football fever!

Cuddle time with daddy!

Week 11

Niyor can now lift his head to a 90-degree angle, while lying on his stomach! Now that's a major milestone!

Niyor reading "More, More, More said the baby"- one of the three books ("Goodnight moon" and "Dr.Seuss's sleep book" are the other two in his collection!) which he possesses, with a little help from daddy and mommy!

Week 10

Niyor sharing a laugh with mommy!

Sleeping on Aita's lap

Getting ready to go out in his carrier with Aita