Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Week 26

Lil' guy has been making rapid progress on his creeping/scooting skills...the other day he was eyeing the baby lotion bottle during diaper time....he creeped his way to the bottle while I was disposing the diaper...he would have had it in his mouth if I hadn't reached on time!But he's so far restricted his newly acquired creeping/scooting skills to the bed or crib...maybe he's scared of a fall when he's on his playmat on the floor!He's able to lift his butt and manoeuvre his hands and legs to creep/scoot around but not able to lift butt and head at the same time!!
In teething news...tooth no. 2 and 3 have made an appearance..not yet fully out but it won't be long before lil' guy flashes three-toothed grins!
It's been another rough week....with lil guy's moods swinging from grumpy to not grumpy, laughing hysterically to whining in a matter of seconds...blame it on the cold and the teething pains......

a lil' grumpy

not grumpy

very grumpy

Another cold attack....snot and drool make a deadly combo!And to top it all teething woes add to the poor child's misery....

Niyor woke up in the middle of Saturday (23rd Sep) night crying out "mma.....mmaa...bbaa bbaa"....oh well, I don't really know if it was with intent but let's pretend it's music to my ears! Poor kid had a blocked nose and was having a hard time sleeping......he's down with a runny nose since.....

Week 25

dandiya party
On Friday(22nd Sep), Niyor went to a dandiya party...he enjoyed being around all the beautiful Indian ladies!

My creation
Niyor and Kim Kyung Su
We've been hanging with Kim Kyung Su and his mom for the last few's fun to watch them interact! Most of the times they just grab each other's hair! Kyung Su makes efforts at befriending Niyor but not much of a response from lil' guy who's more keen on chewing Kyung Su's legs, patting his head or using his mom's hands to taxi him around!

Somebody loves to pose!

Week 24

Sulky Niyor! This is how the boy sulks when Mama isn't paying him attention!

In other news, the boy is sitting up really well...I timed him the other day and it was 40 min before he toppled to one side! His cough is gone! That's such a big relief!

Latest obsession: pulling himself to stand!

"I'm lovin' the view from here!"

"My first toof !"

"What? No more cereal for today?! You've got to be kidding!"

Week 23

This week has been a rough one for lil' guy....his first fever and cold....yet he's been a brave lil' crankiness, playing as usual....vocalisation has decreased a tad because of the hoarseness in his voice....rivers of drool flowing everyday!
Toy of the week...yummy teether! His first tooth is halfway out now!

Almost caught him chewing on his toes and thumb at the same time!

Feeling a little better than yesterday!

My baby is's so heartbreaking to see him in fever, just a bad cough which refuses to says he will be okay soon.....

Reaching for the camera!

2 September 2006 :

Helping Papu cut his birthday cake!

"They say I need some rest and no play??!
Yesterday (1st Sep), Niyor's fever rose to 101.48F around midnight and went down to a low grade 99F only around 3am, we took him to the hospital this morning....according to the pediatrician it might be a common cold, he ruled out ear infection and throat inflammation, prescribed medication for 3 days and asked us to visit again in 3 days.....temperature is back to normal now....hope it stays that way....meanwhile lil' guy is enjoying the orange flavoured medicine his doctor prescribed! No significant drop in his appetite or activity level thus far which is a good sign.....
(Info for the grandparents....Niyor's 5 month stats : weight 9.4 kg, height 70 cm)