Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

more fun at school

20th September 2007 :

Lil' Guy's been having more fun at school as seen by the lovely pics below....amidst all that we did get a scare last Sunday (16th Sep) when Lil' guy suddenly had a fever above 105 degree C and he vomited twice......the fever went down after he had his fever was a viral infection and it's gone now....but that night was a scary one!

Now isn't this one a lovely picture of Lil' guy with his playmates out on a picnic!!

"I wonder what these white things are....."
Checking out the wriggly caterpillars!

learning about where butterflies come from!

Making his first pair of sunglasses...he got the finished product home and wore it with pride!"Hey! Check out the sunglasses I made in craft class today!!"

"Where are the butterflies??"

"Eeeks! Sour fruit!"

I love the cute little bows the kids are wearing.....Lil' guy's bow matches his outfit!
The sleepy bunch after exploring the park!

"Mama come and pick me sleeeepy!"

"Fake fruit?!!! Aw c'mon give us some real fruit!!"

"I want a bigger ball!"
Niyor the builder!

Another trip to the water stream and here's Lil' Guy almost dozing off!

17 months

3rd September 2007 :

Another month just whizzed past us and Lil' guy is now 17 months old! I almost forgot to update the blog about Niyor turning a month older till I saw the calendar! The past month he went through a few days of some kind of allergy which showed up as red rashes all over his legs ,hands and even his face...could have been a food allergy but not too sure what food...he ate tofu and pork before he came down with it but these are foods he eats quite often for lunch at his play school.....anyways he's fine now....we just have to watch out....
In other news he's been communicating with people a lot more than before...he plays with new kids at the park almost every day....and it's a hard task getting him home from the park!

eating Deuta's birthday cake!
"Am a big boy now....can drink milk with one hand and hold teddy with the other!!"
Lil' guy is very fond of his teddy bears.....he feeds them, puts them to sleep in his arms, rides with them on his bike and keeps cuddling them!

At his friend Lee Haq Jun's birthday party.....Haq Jun :"Hey Niyor wanna play?!" Niyor : " No man, I ate too much..gotto go home now"

Walking tall in Deuta's sandals! He's majorly fascinated with shoes and sandals....loves to try on Mama's and Deuta's shoes!

Hey Lil' Guy you are no longer little but to me you will always be a baby! Happy 17 months......have fun!