Hope you all had a happy holi!
playschool news
having a rolling good time during physical ed class
I have no clue what N was doing sticking sticks into that ball!
N has been enjoying a few extra classes at his orinichib this month.....music, english and physical education.
big news
Thursday,March 13,2008:
It's morning, pre-breakfast time and Niyor says "Ner poo poo" , takes me to the loo with him and goes "poo poo" in his big boy potty seat for the first time ever!Is this for real?! This is major news!
(Update: The above feat has not been repeated since!)
an afternoon at the aquarium
2nd March 2008:
Pics from a visit to the aquarium (dated Feb 9th 2008)...
a tired Lil' Guy at the end of the day.........on his way home......
And the pic below is of N running amok at Coex mall!
23 months
Happy 23 months Lil' Guy! It's the 1st of March already and I cannot believe how fast you are growing and turning into a young boy....at times it feels like I've known you for ages....yet there are times I feel the last 23 months have just zoomed past my eyes in supersonic speed! As days go by I'm having a really hard time documenting all of your feats and achievements.....in your last monthly post(22 months) I forgot to mention about the time(during January 2008) you'd hoard your favorite toys of the day to bed at night!Or the way you'd say "Uh oh" when things fell!And your newly acquired magic tricks wherein you'd hide one or two of your favorite cars behind your back and gleefully remark "may....eeek" (magic!)....and so many other things which I'm having a hard time recalling right now!The past month has been full of new experiences and exciting moments......looking back at the month gone by... in pics.........
And that's your favorite ride in the world!
"Mix, shake and cook!"
Cooking with Mama....this past month you've been cooking a lot.....mostly on the floor (which needs a mop after every meal you cook!)! It's absolute fun being Mama's lil' kitchen help....who cares about the mess thereafter!!(Well....I do care......but then there's no fun without a lil' mess right Lil' Guy?!)"Uh oh....more food on the floor!"
"beans anyone?!"
Serious cooking happening in this house......master chef in town!
Have a happy day Lil' Guy and a happy, fun filled, beautiful life......love you always...