Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

the birds and the bees:early edition

wednesday 25th march 2009:

a couple of weeks back...N returns from school,goes to pee,does the job and as he's putting his underpants back on he points to his genital organ and asks me "mama,what do you call this?"....and i tell him in a matter-of-fact tone what it is(using the correct anatomical term!),he then goes on to say that kj's is different and demands to know the korean term for it with a mischievous grin...well,i did some research on the internet as i had seen it coming...and this piece of info was helpful(link posted below)...henceforth i intend to stick to the anatomical names!about the korean terms i told N he has to ask his seonsangnim...

the child is growing up...

3 Years


… well then, already s/he has received a wealth of messages about sexuality—three years worth, in fact. Just think about it:

  • When infants are touched and cuddled, they learn that they are lovable.
  • Choices of clothing (pink vs. blue), toys (dolls vs. trucks), playtime activities (tea party vs. baseball) all present messages about male/female roles and expectations.
  • Seeing a brother, sister, or parent in the shower teaches about physical differences between males and females.
  • A parent's willingness (or lack of) to respond openly and honestly to the question, "How did the baby come out?" conveys an attitude about the subject of sex.

The fact is, you have been educating your child about sex all along—through your words as well as through your silence; in your verbal and non-verbal communication. Your responses and reactions have taught your child a great deal about sexuality—not only in terms of information, but also in terms of your values and attitudes.

You cannot avoid being your child's primary and most important sex educator … nor would you want to. As a parent, you exert a most powerful influence over your child's sexual attitudes and development. The family experiences you shape, from the moment your child is born, help determine the extent to which s/he develops positive, healthy feelings about sexuality. Yet the thought that sex education begins at birth is, for many, a novel idea. The unsuspecting parent may allow several formative years to pass before the realization sets in: children—even very young children—deserve thoughtful, purposeful sexuality education. As parents more consciously attend to that education, they prepare their children to face the challenges—and sexual choices that lie ahead.

OK—When My Child Asks, Then We'll Talk

… but will you recognize the asking? Children are interested in sexuality long before they can verbalize the questions. For example, a pre-schooler may want to watch daddy in the shower or touch mommy's pregnant belly. These present ideal "teachable moments" to pass along lessons on anatomy, reproduction and birth.

When parents take advantage of such opportunities, they not only provide important factual information, they also affirm their willingness to discuss sexual issues with their children. This helps establish an atmosphere of comfort and trust which encourages children to seek additional sexual information from parents in the future.

You needn't worry about telling your child "too much too soon." S/he will simply absorb what s/he can and show boredom with the rest (you know the signs: glazed eyes, yawning, leaving the room …). Your comments are not wasted. S/he may not have gotten all the detail, but clearly the message is "mom and dad are 'askable'."

Danger lies not in "too much too soon," but in "too little too late." When parents recognize the asking and respond openly and lovingly, they are well on the way to providing quality family sex education.

a reunion of sorts

23rd march 2009:

potluck dinner 21march2009

best friends forever...vishu and n!

pre-school news

March 17th 2009:

"bye nuna!"

two of N's friends (his seniors,the ones he looked up to!) at school graduated and have now moved on to wonder he's been moping around a bit...he got back from school(on the day of their graduation!?) and told me that they have left...he misses them...especially the boy who was like his guru(you know,the guy who teaches you all the right fight moves!)...

and that's the ever so kind wanjang seonsangnim(head teacher) saying bye to the kids...

phy ed class 13 march 2009

balancing act!

oh well...KJ is still cheer up Spidey!!

N too has graduated(feels kind of funny to be using the word graduate!)to a new class...that's his previous class teacher handing him his last year's accomplishment/book of works(present is the word N uses!)

N and his best buddy Junu...hard at work!

and this is N's new amazes me how seriously these kids can work together when well-motivated!

bottle battle update:
parents win after a couple of weeks of struggle...N is officially off the bottle!(grandparents, please applaud parents' efforts!)

cold update:
no respite from cough,snot...and the over enthusiasm inspite of a sore throat!

r is for red

Sunday,March 15,2009


N is down with a cold...
a couple of days ago N suffered two consecutive blows to his head as a result of over energetic play and the outcome was a bloody red nose...i was freaking out seeing the blood but N was totally cool through it all! he just said,"mama,look! colour flowing out of my nose,r is for red!!"...
do not worry folks...we got back from a visit to the doctor...he is fine...just a common cold...

pretty pics

Tuesday,March 10,2009:

pics that I forgot to add in the last post:


making orange juice...all by himself is how Lil' Guy likes to do things these days..which suits me just fine...seeing him make his baby steps towards independence makes me happy!


N chatting with Ramya while Shrabani looks on...
Akshu's mom Vijeta and Shrabani

Nabendu and Dip...two of N's favourite uncles!

Akshaj(the youngest member of the Indian kids in Suwon gang!) with his dad Vivek. N often asks me to get Akshu home!

35 months

Happy 35 months Lil' Guy!
There was a time when I'd religiously update every week...document N's every little feat...every first....every little thing.....but I'm terribly hard pressed for time of late...

the last month in pics:

This was when he'd woken up at 5.30am screaming,"I want to go to the mall to buy!"...and in the end he was content with the one K drew for him...!Must say that he's growing up fast,just the other day he was screaming for yet another toy car but when I told him that a new one costs money and he is allowed to have only one new toy per month he said,"Mama, you don't have money?Ok...I don't want one!" I strongly feel that we need to introduce the money and budgeting concept at an early age and both K and I are trying to do just that....maybe it's working;)

showing off his school work file and photo album to Simple Imo

left handed? right handed? mixed-handedness?! I'm not too sure if handedness has developed yet.....

fighting sleep
fighting sleep....preparing for bedtime stretches to 60 minutes on some nights....

drawing is a favourite,superheroes,monsters and guns mostly!he does a lot of art work at school...last friday he got back from school and drew me a car....uber cute!

"Thank you for the brand new set of colours Simple Imo!" just like he did with Jisun Imo,he conversed entirely in korean with her too and I was simply amazed...I need to brush up my korean!

more power!

"Woman, get a life....stop clicking pics all the time!"

that's the ironman K made for N at around 6 in the morning!don't miss his favourite toy of the month...the white weapon of mass destruction:)

the love affair with his blanket continues...

the other day I overheard his teacher at school say "aetera,uri wanjangnimi wassoyo!"(that translates to "our king has arrived")...I'd just dropped him off at school and was waiting for the elevator when i heard her say made me wonder!king N indeed...


and that's N's fake camera ready smile! thomas isn't a great favourite among his toys anymore!

cookKing! food is still a big fascination for Lil' for food hasn't changed much but his taste buds have developed to such an extent that he prefers korean food over indian and that saddens me a little...'s been wonderful life with you.....happy 35 months...
as much as I wish you'd grow up fast I also want to hold onto you...the little you!