Last evening we had an interesting conversation...
Niyor:"What is mind mama?"
After making sure that I was hearing the right word....
Me:"Something in your head that helps you think and feel"
Niyor: "Are mind and brain the same?"
Me:"Oh well...they are not same...the brain is a very important organ inside your skull which helps you to talk,move,remember..."
I have to admit that it wasn't easy explaining to him about how the mind is a non-physical entity and the brain is a physical organ.Phew!!!How do kids come up with such difficult questions!!!
In other news...
N the fisherman waiting for his school bus!
it was "dress-up day" at school a few days ago and N had to play the role of a was a lot of fun for him!!!his friends dressed up as magician,policeman,security guard,fisherwoman...!unlike other mornings he woke up on his own and kept urging me to hurry up or else he'd miss dress up day!
N the dork!...on days when i am down he tries to make me laugh!
this little guy has a quirky sense of humour!
evening strolls or should i say runs...most of the time it's N running and me struggling to catch up!it's a lot of fun...playing "catch me" is his favourite thing to do in the evenings...
The other day N said,"Mama,I like India...there are so many things to see here!!!"Of course there are...everything fascinates him...the sights, the smells,the bright colours,the is after all home!no place like home.....
at his friend eshaan's 5th birthday party
chilling out with Mama and Mridusmita aunty
people ask me "does he ever talk?"....oh he sure's just that he takes a lot of time to open up....i used to be the same as a child....i remember ms Shibani(my std 1/grade1 class teacher) used to pinch me to make me say a few words in class!i still take time to open up to people...i have to admit that!!!
at anika's place...these two are friends now,they play,they fight over the same's a joy seeing the cousins interact!
Anai and Putha had come down from Dibrugarh for a week....N had a good time!
a fake smile for the camera....i've been trying to keep him constructively occupied(K is away on work)...we do a lot of fun art and craft and when i get free time that is!
waiting for lunch....
proudly displaying his work of art...
some mommy and sonny bonding time...
and when i do not have time to spend with N he goes to sesame street!
artist N!
the end result of a mama and N art session on a saturday morning!
happy 55 months N!you are the light of my life.....keep shining!!!