Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

39 months

2nd July 2009:

Yesterday, N turned a month older,also a month the days go by I see him turning into this little big fellow who seems to comprehend the subtlest of things right under my nose!It's a sign that he's growing up...sometimes at a pace I'm unable to keep up with!

Pics that speak for what N was upto last month...
summer fun
indulging in some summer fun with water at the park during our weekly indian kids' activity session

scribbling on sand
etching on sand with his favorite noona(oh yes, she's back!)

Junu and Niyor dying cloth at the museum

let's play
play together kids!that's what Pooja aunty seems to be saying...

hair stylist
black and red!

jump and shout...and freak out!

pretty pic
aww!what a pose!

kids' activity at the park
hum ko man ki shakti dena!

walking in water
walking with Anjali aunty,Nishi aunty and Nirupam

art education
art education during a trip to an art museum....on most wednesdays N's school takes their students on trips to interesting places

kj and niyor
"C'mon people,enough already!Stop clicking the 2 of us all the time!Can't you see we are bored posing?!"

waiting for juice
thirsty throats waiting to gulp down juice!

at the art museum
collecting herbs

the brats
what are N and his fav noona upto?!
ah!are they making the sign for "saranghae"(love you)?!!

Happy 39 months N...keep shining...enjoy life with lots of love,luck and laughter!

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