Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

children's day!

5th May 2007 :

Lil' guy went to his Deuta's (dad's) office on children's day (5th May)...there was some kind of family day celebration there....

at the entrance of the huge Samsung complex
sunny May day...first warm day of the year!

posing with Mama, Shrabani aunty and Nabendu uncle in front of one of the office buildings

just watching the festivities this time around...
Lil' guy lunchin' at Deuta's office cafeteria

13 months

1st May 2007 :

Lil' guy turns 13 months old today! The past month he progressed from walking a little clumsily to walking with full confidence and balance! 2 molar teeth (upper jaw) made an appearance this month.....he had a bad throat infection which badly affected his appetite but now it's back to normal...he's become picky about eating.... his favourite foods the past month: macaroni and cheese, pasta cooked with lots of tomato, fish curry and rice, cheese, plain white rice, half-boiled egg. During meal times he likes to take a spoon and pretend to feed me or I feed him one spoon of food then let him feed me!Pushing his big bike around! He's outgrown the small bike and although he cannot pedal he enjoys pushing around his big bike!

"Check out my mean machine!"

Morning walks are a visual treat in the spring time!

Niyor's more receptive and expresive of his needs and wants these days...he's got a vocabulary of his own! If he feels like going out he says "boo boo brooo"! If he's thirsty he says "babble babble" and he's started calling Kalyan "Deta"(the assamese word for dad is deuta!) and I'm still mama! Other words in his vocabulary are "baatt" for "bhaat"(rice) , "aitt" for light, "bett" for bread, "bol" for ball, "boww" for his favourite teddy bear and dogs as well as bears, "anana" for banana and "boo" for book!
He plays hide and seek with us by hiding himself behind the door/fridge or covering his face with whatever is at hand!
He loves to look at books...he hands us books to read to him and we have to read each book over and over till he's satisfied!
Our Lil' guy is very much the outdoor guy....he enjoys strolling around and has been enjoying the sights and sounds of the korean spring....we go for walks at least twice a day...roaming around parks and open markets!
Another thing we've learnt about Niyor over the last few months is that he just loves music and dancing! He shakes his body, moves his butt and even wiggles his legs when he hears any kind of music that's rhythmic or to his liking! Have yet to capture him dancing on video but if we do it'll be such a treat to watch! He even dances while eating and drinking milk! Do we have a dancer in the making?!! Time will tell!
Happy 13 months sweetheart!
Mama and Deta