Today, Lil' guy turns 16 months! Another month just whizzed past us and it's hard to believe my baby is growing into a little man! He's been having a good time at the play group he much so that he doesn't really miss me or look forward to me picking him up every day at 2pm!
Niyor and his favourite toy car at Lotte mart
Lil' guy is obsessed with cars...there was a time when he'd go to sleep holding two of his favourite toy cars in each hand! Every time we go to this particular shopping mall which has a play area and 2 such cars, Niyor rushes to the cars and sits and rides each of them taking turns and if God forbid there is some other child in any of the cars he tries his best to coax them to get out...but he doesn't use force....just bides his time!
Check out his climbing skills! Lil' guy is now able to climb the slide on his own! He loves the slide and the merry go round thing in the parks but is not too fond of playing with of now he thinks it's messy to have sand on his hands!
Hanging out with Deuta at Hangang park in Seoul
"Oops! These balls are too heavy!"
Niyor's a very social person...he waves and says hello/bye to people he comes across in public places....and he loves to go out....he had a blast running around Lotte world although he was a tad upset that he couldn't bowl!
At the Lotte World ice skating rink with Deuta and his favourite group of uncles and aunt!
Happy 16 months Lil' guy! Have fun growing and experiencing life! Love you loads....Mama.