Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Niyor's 1st day!

Niyor's 1st photograph!
After almost a nine month long wait....Niyor finally arrived on April fools' day (1st April,2006) ! He was scheduled to arrive on 12th April but showed up early!
The little man weighed in a hefty 4.28 kg and measured 52.9 cm in length.
My Cesarean section went off smoothly......I walked to the OR at 1.30 pm and Niyor was born at 2 pm. His dad and Anai (maternal grandmother) saw him as he was wheeled to the nursery......they noticed that he was a big baby compared to the other babies born that day and he had a huge mop of black hair!
I met Niyor in the evening in the recovery room (which would be home for the next four days).
We had our first hug and it felt wonderful being a mom!
I tried to nurse but wasn't able to...maybe from tomorrow...
Niyor has a dimpled chin just like mommy, anai and great putha (great grandad)!!
The nurses agree that baby looks like mom!

Niyor in the hospital(Yonsei Moa Children and women's hospital) nursery

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