Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

7 months

1st November 2006 :

Today is Niyor's 7 month birthday.....7 months old.......Whaaatttt??!!!! Already?! Just 5 more months to go and he'll no longer be a baby?! Nooooooo!! I so want to hold on to his baby days....yet there are times when I wish he'd grow up fast!
Summing up the past month with these pics:

Lil' guy got a new hairdo and his 6th tooth cut through!

"Burrpp! Ate too much!"

Laughing his heart out!

Cozying up with Mmaa!

Lil' guy is now officially on solid food! And so far he seems to be loving it! Like Mmaa he's a big time foodie! So far on the menu.....carrot, sweet potato, pear, apple, banana, potato, rice/ vegetable cracker and khichdi! He's outgrown his love for cereal ever since he tasted real food! Just hope the love for good food grows as he grows.....

On all fours! Video of lil' guy moving on all fours releasing shortly.....!! Both Mmaa and Bbaa are hard up for time as we are planning/packing/shopping for our India trip during the little free time we manage to get these days!

Independent play is becoming rare on most days now as Niyor realises the absence/presence of people around him and prefers to play with someone rather than on his own.....

"Ma, stop clicking pics....fix me lunch!"

And now... a few pics of the day :

Enjoying his bikki! Lil' guy can now feed himself a biscuit... gets messy but it's an absolute joy watching him enjoy the whole experience and take his first baby step towards independence!!

Happy 7 months lil' guy! Mmaa and Bbaa love you.....more and more with each passing day!!

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