Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Happy Birthday Niyor!!

1st April 2007 :
Today is Niyor's first birthday! He's 12 months old!No longer a baby but a toddler.....!!Time flies.....and how! 12 months ago at 2pm Niyor arrived as our little bundle of joy and he continues to give us joy every passing day....God bless you lil' guy!
Niyor had a great time on his birthday....he ate cake, some sweet (gulab jamun), veggie pakoda and peas from the pulao...
He had fun playing with his friends and enjoyed spending time with the aunties and uncles!
We too had a good time with our friends and it was such a pleasure seeing lil' guy as a one year old! Happy birthday lil' guy ....we love you!
Here are his birthday party pics:
Enjoying his first birthday cake!
"Hey I wanna ride too!"

Birthday grub!

surrounded by his lil' friends

all the uncles who came to wish Niyor!

Cutting his cake!

sitting with the uncles!
got one balloon to play with after many requests!

with Nabendu uncle and Shrabani aunty

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