Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

14 months

2nd June 2007 :

Yesterday, Niyor turned 14 months! He's growing up so fast and learning so many new things that it's becoming difficult to document everything! He's also becoming this wonderful little person with a unique personality!

Lil' guy's vocabulary has really taken off this past month...he's been trying to repeat what he hears and keeps on babbling all day! The words in his vocabulary so far......
1. Mama
2. Deta
3. Aitt (light)
4. Bow (bear/dog)
5. Mo (cat)
6. Book
7. Bh00 (car)
8. up bup (cup)
9. nana (no)
10. aa (come)
11. bubble bubble (water, bottle)
12. Baa (sheep/lamb)
13. shh (snake)
14. ban (monkey)
15. butt (button)
16. bhaat (rice)
17. mummum (food)
18. bal (balloon)
19. ba (ball)
20. nana (banana)
21. baba (bye bye)
22. bud (bird)
23. bun (pen)
24. buh (bus)
25. bun (bean)
26. ga (car)
Niyor cut 2 more molars (lower jaw) this past month...teething doesn't bother him anymore the way it did when he was younger.

Lil' guy's been picking up new things and figuring out how things work very fast! He started going to play school yesterday...his first day there was good...I stayed for sometime and left him....when I went back to get him the teachers told me that he'd played very well and didn't cry at all!
Niyor is an amazing dancer! he shakes his whole body and stomps his feet...even does some tap dancing kind of routine (and of late he's started lifting his feet one at a time while holding onto something) whenever there's any "dancy" music playing!!
Niyor is crazy about cars...he goes to sleep holding a toy car in his hand and after he wakes up in the morning he goes looking for his cars!
I look forward to the coming months with the hope that it's going to be as much fun as the past months.......keep growing and learning.....I love you!
Happy 14 months Lil' guy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Niyor has become matured enough With love from Putha