Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

15 months

1st July 2007 :

Niyor turns 15 months old today! The past month was full of fun for Lil' guy...he joined a play group and went on two picnics with his playmates (each picnic kept him away from Mama for a good 5 hours!)...the first one was to a horse stable and a park and the second to a potato farm....for a couple of weeks he'd cry as I left him at the school but now he's no longer fact he comes back home a little reluctantly and whenever he passes by the play school(which is conveniently located on the first floor of our apartment!) door he wants to go in!

Enjoying the see-saw for the very first time at Yuldong park

Lil' guy has become more verbal and picked up many new words this past month! HIs enrgy level has increased a whole lot too! He loves going out....he brings his shoes to me as if asking me to put them on and take him out.....once out he loves to chase other kids' bicycles!

Niyor continues to amaze me with each passing day...each day is full of joy as I watch him change and grow into a unique little being!

Lil' guy has 2 new teeth(canines) now bringing the total to 14 teeth with 2 more on their way out....on two consecutive nights he's woken up crying with pain related to teething( I guess)...
otherwise he's a cool kid...plays all day and loves meeting people....loves eating out!

Soaking in the greenery at Yuldong park

Happy 15 months sweetheart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Niyor is really rocking cute...Good to see old mates Vishnu and Soni...As a public demand we would like to see more stills of Kalyan as well...

NFC, Bangalore.